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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Medal Of Honor : Underground

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Game Name : Medal Of Honor : Underground
System : Playstation
Date Added : 2006-02-05 08:53:41
Views : 23938

Bonus ending sequence and extra medal
Successfully complete the game and receive all the medals and mementos. You will be able to view the special bonus FMV sequence. Depending on how well you completed the game (your evaluation), you will receive one of three medals. The best is the Legion Of Honor. If you receive this medial, you will also unlock a special bonus level.

Cheat mode
Enter "ENTREZVOUS" as a code. If you entered the code correctly, the screen will flash green. Return to the code entry screen and enter "PORTECLEFS" as a code. All missions, multi-player characters, and secrets in the game will be unlocked.

All cheats
At the passwords screen, enter "entrezvous". Go back into passwords and enter "porteclefs".

(send by:Jay Royle)

Unlimited ammunition on uncompleted levels
Enable the "Unlimited ammunition" code, and complete the previous level to one that you have not played. After winning, save your game, and play that next level. You will not start with the cheat, but will have 999 rounds for your weapons and 99 grenades and bazooka rounds. Though the cheat is not enabled, you will never run out of ammunition.

Wewelsburg: Dark Camelot: Alternate entrance to castle
Instead of going through the main gate, go through a gap in the wall just before the bridge. Go under the bridge and then straight on to the wall. You can then climb this, in the same way as a ladder.

Quadruple firing rate
Enter "BALLESVITE" as a code. If you entered the code correctly, the screen will flash green. Note: The code only has an effect on levels that have already been completed.

Wewelsburg: Dark Camelot: Valhalla hidden area
Play the Valhalla stage in the Wewelsburg: Dark Camelot level. When you reach near the end of the level, before you go to the right you will see a picture of a "red knight" riding a horse on the wall. Do not go down that way just yet. Instead, go to the area to the left of the picture. Once there, you will see three wall-lamps. Press "Action" to move the lamps, then turn the lamps in the following order: Middle, Left, Right. Then, turn to your right and a secret room will open. You will find one box of Rifle rounds, one box of crossbow rounds, one 44 stg assault rifle rounds, and two field surgeon packs inside the room.

Team gallery
Enter "MOHUEQUIPE" as a code. If you entered the code correctly, the screen will flash green.

Wewlsburg: Dark Camelot: Field surgeon pack
In the Dark Camelot mission, second level, there is a hidden field surgeon pack in the fireplace. After you grab the knife, go down the hall and duck into the opening there. Once you are in the fireplace, go to the back of it and you will climb up the wall. At the top is a little alcove and inside is the field surgeon pack.

Wacky taxi mode
Enter "AUTODINGUO" as a code. If you entered the code correctly, the screen will flash green. You have 60 seconds to kill each enemy in this mode. Note: The code only has an effect on levels that have already been completed.

Killing enemies with objects
There are objects in several levels that you can shoot and will fall and kill enemies (or you). In Finding Valhalla, there is a deer's head mounted on the wall after you exit the tunnel in the fireplace. In the first level of the Wewelsburg mission, there is a crate hanging on a rope outside the building with the crowbar. Shoot the rope and the crate falls. In the first level of the Desert Fox mission, shoot the chandelier and it will fall and kill two enemies immediately. Finally, there are many such objects in the Crete level inside the archeological dig. They are little pan-like objects hanging from the ceiling. Shoot them and they fall and make small explosions.

Flushing out hiding enemies
Whenever an enemy is taking cover and about to shoot you, throw a Stick Grenade past them then shoot them when they go to kick it. For example, in Mission 1, Level 3, when you take the second gun and Nazis show up, all you need to do is throw a grenade at them to flush out the Erwins.

Wewelsburg: Dark Camelot: Quicker crossbow
Press [Square] after shooting the crossbow to reload faster.

Enter "PUISSANCE" as a code. If you entered the code correctly, the screen will flash green. Note: The code only has an effect on levels that have already been completed.

Lighting The Torch: Hidden first aid kit
When you have just arrived at the supply depot in a stolen truck, jump out and turn to your right. Keep going until you see another truck. Kill the men that may exit it. Look around that area until you find a box sticking out of the wall that is slightly smaller than the others. Shoot it until it breaks, then go to where the box used to be. Squat down and face the wall. You should see a small crawl space. Go in to find a small area with one first aid kit.

DreamWorks Interactive personal screens
Enter "DWIECRANS" as a code. If you entered the code correctly, the screen will flash green.

Killing enemies in disguise mode
Get very close to the enemy and he will ask for your pass or papers. Give it to him then hold [R2]. He will pose for the picture. While keeping [R2] held, press [Circle] to draw your pistol. Fire immediately and the man should die.

Cartoon gallery
Enter "MOHDESSINS" as a code. If you entered the code correctly, the screen will flash green.

Street By Street: Falling sniper
When you go to the building with the Moulin Rouge signs, up on the fourth floor is a sniper. Shoot him to see him fall to his death and smash through the Moulin Rouge roof, then onto the ground.

Bouncing bullets
Enter "RICOCHET" as a code. If you entered the code correctly, the screen will flash green. Note: The code only has an effect on levels that have already been completed.

Podoski mode
Enter "LATIREUSE" as a code. If you entered the code correctly, the screen will flash green. This allows one shot kills, including tanks with a handgun. Note: The code only has an effect on levels that have already been completed and also gives your enemies the ability to kill you with one shot (unless the "Invincibility" code has also been activated).

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